Volunteer Fire Service Recruitment and Retention

Volunteer Fire Service Recruitment and Retention Survey


The Alberta Fire Chiefs Association (AFCA) Recruitment and Retention Committee is conducting a critical survey aimed at understanding the successes and challenges faced by volunteer fire departments across the province. Your participation is essential in helping us gather valuable insights that will guide our efforts to support and strengthen the volunteer fire service.

The purpose of this survey is to gather information on the experiences within volunteer fire departments, identifying both the successes and the challenges encountered. The data collected will be shared to encourage discussions among departments and communities about how to address these challenges. Additionally, the insights will help us develop targeted recommendations and tools for recruitment and retention.

This survey is intended for firefighters, fire chiefs, and municipal representatives who are involved in or have experience with a volunteer fire service. For the purposes of this survey, “volunteer” is defined as those who serve without remuneration, are paid-on-call, receive a stipend, are part of a composite department, or hold any similar position that fits the category of non-salaried fire personnel.

The survey is structured into three streams, each tailored to a specific perspective: firefighters, fire chiefs, and municipal representatives. The first question will ask you to select the stream or perspective you are responding from, and the survey will then guide you through the appropriate set of questions.

Please take the time to complete this survey by end of the day on Friday, September 27th, 2024. Your feedback is invaluable in shaping the future of the volunteer fire service in Alberta.

Click Volunteer Fire Service Recruitment and Retention Survey

Or use QR Code

Thank you in advance for your time and input. Your participation will make a significant difference in our collective efforts to support and enhance the volunteer fire service across the province.

Alberta Fire Chiefs Association

Type 2 Structure/Sprinkler Protection Unit (SPU)

2024 Royal 8.5×16′ cargo trailer with 2-foot V-nose; (2) 5200lb axles.

All new fire equipment that meets “Type 2 SPU” requirements as per the “2023 Alberta Wildland Urban Interface Guidelines”. The trailer has passed inspection by the Wildland Urban Interface Field Officer.

Includes the new “Watson” mark-3 pumps. None of the equipment has been used. 

Asking price: $225,000 plus GST (where applicable)

Feel free to call 780-531-4399. Immediate possession available.

Announcing the Launch of AFCA’s Roadside Safety Incident Reporting Tool

Announcing the Launch of AFCA’s Roadside Safety Incident Reporting Tool

The Alberta Fire Chiefs Association (AFCA) is proud to announce the launch of a new safety initiative: the Roadside Safety Incident Reporting Tool. This tool represents a significant step forward in our ongoing commitment to the safety of first responders and partners across Alberta.

A Proactive Approach to Roadside Safety

Every day, first responders, public work personnel, and all individuals involved in roadside activities face unpredictable dangers while working on our roads and highways. To address this, the AFCA has developed an innovative system to gather crucial evidence and data on roadside safety issues. We’re focusing on real-life accounts and data from near-miss situations where our dedicated crews, individuals, and personnel have been put at risk by passing motorists or other hazards.

Easy Reporting for a Lasting Impact

We’ve streamlined the reporting process to ensure that your experiences are captured with minimal hassle. A simple one-click link takes you directly to a form where you can report incidents such as near misses, non-compliant motorists, or any other dangers that you encounter while on duty.

Your voice matters, and your reports are the foundation of our advocacy and policy-making efforts.

Your Voice, Our Mission

Your participation is crucial. The data collected through this tool will not only highlight the challenges faced by first responders and all those working along our roadways, but also drive the changes necessary for enhanced roadside safety. We stand with you and are committed to supporting you in every way we can.

Together, We Make a Difference

The AFCA understands the daily challenges you confront. By uniting our voices, we can advocate for the essential changes needed to ensure the safety of everyone on the road – first responders and the public alike.

We extend our deepest gratitude for your unwavering dedication to public safety. Your cooperation in this critical matter is invaluable.


Click to Learn More & Report an Incident Now 

Announcement of Director At Large Rural Membership

Hello Members,

It gives me great privilege to announce that David Mohl, Fire Chief of the Hanna Fire Department, has been elected Director at Large for Rural Membership by AFCA membership election for the remaining term of the position, expiring in 2026. Please join me in congratulating Chief Mohl!

This concludes the elections for 2024. As Chief Mohl is moving from Region 6 Director to Director at Large for Rural Membership, Region 6 held a vote earlier in the year to determine a replacement should Chief Mohl move into a new position. Chief Ken Hubbard was elected by Region 6 members to replace David as Region 6 Director. This will be added to the Annual General Meeting agenda for the ratification of Regional Director elections for 2024.

Thank you, everyone!

Election Vote Open for Director at Large Rural Membership

Hello AFCA Members:

With the third and final call for nominations for Director at Large Rural Membership expiring. We now move forward to cast your vote.

A secure email has been sent to only AFCA Active Members eligible to vote. If you feel you have not received your email, please check your Spam or Junk email folders. If you feel you still have been missed, please reach out to our office.

The voting poll will close at 12:00 noon on Saturday May 25th.

Following the closure of the poll, a brief period will be provided for the AFCA Election Scrutineers to review the voting process and results. An announcement will be made shortly after the poll has closed. 

Our voting platform is designed to ensure the confidentiality of your vote. It will not record any identifying information about whom you voted for. The platform will only capture your email address to confirm that your vote has been successfully submitted.

Thanks for participating!